


The Anaklia Development Consortium (ADC) is committed to operate all of its facilities and perform all its services and activities in an environmentally and socially sound and responsible manner.

In order to achieve this vision, ADC’s management is committed to:

  • Ensuring compliance to laws and regulations, as well as national and international standards and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP); ensuring that environmental and social considerations are included in business (including procurement and supply chain), financial, operational, and planning decisions and management of assets (sustainability principles). Feasible and practical options should be considered which adhere to common regulations, standards and industry practices.


  • Incorporating pollution prevention practices into its procedures and processes, as well as maintaining a high level of preparedness; proactively avoiding, reducing and minimizing the impact of its activities and services on the environment through continuous improvement of its environmental and social performance indicators;


  • Demonstrating its commitment to determine and reduce its carbon footprint and working toward a carbon neutral port; reducing waste disposal and promoting waste reduction, reuse and recycling measures by the implementation of the waste hierarchy;


  • Implementing environmental and social management and monitoring programs to assist in minimizing environmental and social impact from ADC’s services and activities; ensuring the E&S policy is kept up to date and made available to all staff, contractors, those who use the port and the general public;


  • Ensuring that all staff, contractors and those who use the port are properly trained and aware of their responsibilities to manage their environmental and social impact, so that they comply with  ADC’s procedures and management plans; regularly engaging with government and local authorities, non-governmental organisations, local communities and members of the public, and other interested parties (stakeholders) as defined in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan; and


  • Communicating externally about its environmental and social performance in regard to its goals through an annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report on ADC’s website.The ADC E&S Policy covers the activities, services and office-based operations of ADC related to the Anaklia Port Development Project. This policy is a guide which establishes the environmental and social objectives and goals of ADC, which will need to be continuously improved over time.”


In order to achieve the aforemantioned goals, ADC has drawn up an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and obtained a construction permit as of October 30, 2017. In addition to this, ADC is in the process of developing an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report in accordance with  IFC and EBRD Performance Standards. 

Environmental Impact Assessment

This report presents the outcomes of the EIA process. The aim of the EIA process is to provide the information necessary to the Government of Georgia to determine how well the project complies with relevant environmental and social requirements and, therefore, to demonstrate sustainable development and that the project is environmentally sound. 

The EIA process is ensures that the following environmental requirements are adhered to:

  • Georgian regulatory requirements, including the Georgian Law on Environmental Impact Permit of December 14, 2007, which led to the project being granted an Environmental Impact Permit and Construction Permit.

The ESIA study area or Area of Influence (AoI) encompasses where the project could potentially cause direct and indirect impact on the environment. This also includes the potential cumulative effect or impact of this project with other proposed plans and projects within the wider area of Anaklia.

The AoI can vary according to each environmental receptor; in some cases this will only included areas within the Phase 1 port area (soil, geology, cultural heritage, biodiversity, etc.), whereas other AoI’s can extend much further depending on the far-reaching effects of the port (e.g. marine water quality, marine mammals, ornithology, etc.).

The EIA document was drafted and submitted to Government of Georgia for approval after analysis was conducted. The final environmental impact permit was issued by the GoG on October 27, 2017.

Environmental and Social Management System

The aim of the Environmental Policy and ESMS is to provide an overarching scheme for upholding the plans and procedures necessary for ADC to meet environmental and social objectives, as well as be in compliance with Georgian laws, IFI lenders’ requirements and the ISO 14001 (or an equivalent standardization management system).  The ESMS is to be integrated in ADC’s business model to facilitate day-to-day management of environmental and social risks and impact, as well adaptive management and continuous improvement.  The ESMS will provide for the interfacing and integration of the thematic management plans of ADC (e.g. Emergency Response Plan, Waste Management Plan) and the thematic management plans and management systems of relevant third parties, including construction contractors and the container terminal operator (CTO).


ESMS Anaklia – Download

EIA Anaklia – Download


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